With a combined audience of over 1 million you don’t get much more high profile in the blogging world than Sarah Ashcroft / That Pommie Girl, Monikh Dale / Tres Monikh, Scarlet Dixon / Scarlett London and Lydia Elise Millen.

That’s why it was such good news when they agreed to reveal all and tell their stories of why they chose Transform, the nation’s number one brand name in cosmetic surgery and skincare treatments. Although we would love to take all the credit for this amazing campaign, the truth is it took six specialist agencies to pull it all together!

As Transform’s brand and design agency we looked after the creative direction on the photography, video work, TV and press advertising, bringing in our long-standing partners DoodleDo motion for the filming and John Enoch photography to produce the lifestyle shots. We also worked closely with Label PR who handled the PR, social media and blogger management, Code Computerlove who handled the website design and development and TwentySix who looked after the online display, social media and SEO.

Although the first TV ad only went out last night, visits to the Transform website have shot up dramatically and the tweets have been coming in thick and fast. So thanks are definitely due to Sarah, Monikh, Scarlett and Lydia, all the agencies who worked together and of course to Steven (Marketing Director) and the team at Transform who had the vision to make it all possible.

View the website and read more –



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