I’m sure many of us suffer from the condition of Blogger’s Envy. It’s the uncomfortable feeling that all the best blogs are posted by someone else, somewhere else. Yet we soldier on in the desperate hope that we’ve something interesting to say to the great blogosphere out there. Our blogging efforts include a number on the subject of brands and branding. No surprise there, as we like to think we know a fair bit about the subject. However Blogger’s Envy has raised its unwelcome head once again. The villain of the piece is naming agency Igor based in Sausalito, Marin County, California. They’ve posted what is undoubtedly the best blog on branding we’ve seen.

Of course we’re Pantone 2270C with envy, but it’s so good and so true we just had to give it the extra publicity it rightly deserves.

Master Brand Workshops: The Ultimate Guide for Senior Managers

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