The Brief

What if Social Media was safer and, somehow, more social? Enter: Chatloop. Chatloop recasts the internet, allowing users to drop chat ‘loops’ directly onto any web page, giving them the capacity to spark social exchanges anywhere on the web, anytime. 

Whilst Chatloop were technically testing and developing their startup social platform, they came to Glorious seeking a brand identity and narrative/tone of voice to accompany it, before seeking further investment and fully launching the platform with new users. 

When Chatloop approached Glorious with their plans, they had placed their initial focus for the platform on social safety. Chatloop recognised the lack of social media spaces with the safety and protection of its users at their core. With the rise of bots, online fraud, intrusive advertising and cyber hate at an all-time high, we all know that the impact on mental health has been staggering. 

The team at Chatloop were passionate about creating a safe space for users to spark conversations, initially by using state-of-the art biometric facial identification technology to ensure all users on the platform are real people and allowing them to begin making real connections, safely. This concept resonated with us here at Glorious; we were delighted to work on a tech project that put the well-being of its users at the forefront of its brand ethos and that vowed to have strict processes in place to monitor any hate speech and bullying on the platform.

Our Response

We recognise that the world of social media is vast and to a certain extent, infinite. So how do you drive home the true meaning of staying connected when you have just seconds to make an impression? Let’s loop you in.

To create the new brand, including the all-important symbol that would ultimately adorn the platform’s App Icon, the Glorious team delved deeper into the theme of the loop – solidifying this territory for the client by outlining a number of visual brand identity concepts, developed for testing. 

In order to meet our objectives this visual brand needed to differentiate Chatloop from its many larger counterparts in a crowded social media market space, whilst firmly reflecting the significance of their functional USP, the concept of ‘dropping loops’. We created numerous variations of a loop-based logo as well as complimentary bold, yet functional and harmonic colour palette.

The Visual Identity

Following several rounds of user testing, the results of which didn’t always support the eventual outcome, Glorious remained resolute, committed to the idea that the identity should be a visual expression of the brand name, as well as represent the core functionality of the platform. We developed an identity that would translate equally well in its most simplistic form, the App Icon, but provided the necessary ‘flex & stretch’ to create an expansive, interactive and dynamic implementation. 

The loop symbol incorporates an important visual metaphor – the ‘speech bubble’ is a universally recognised symbol for conversation – which the platform intended to facilitate in real-time anywhere on the web. The simple graphic form was intentionally softened to reflect the friendly, inclusive ethos of the platform, one championing user-safety, allowing verified subscribers to converse without fear of retribution, bullying or hatred. 

The colour palette was deliberately striking, selected to reinforce standout and increase brand recognition, especially in App form. The linear nature of the loop enabled the device to be easily animated, opportunities which were extended beyond the master symbol and that provided a welcome interactive aspect to the overall identity toolkit.

The Chatloop Manifesto

Using Chatloop’s core attributes we prepared a brand ‘Manifesto’, a declaration of its ethos, policies and aims to communicate what differentiated the platform from others in the social space. A verbal expression of how they intended to reclaim, retune and redefine the original concept of social media.

Tone of Voice 

Another crucial requirement was to equip Chatloop with a narrative-led tone of voice. We created a series of upbeat, chatty headlines and full brand narrative to align with the identity. The messaging helped to develop an authentic loop-based language that could be fully owned by both the brand, but also its users, nodding back to the idea that only with Chatloop can a conversation be started on any subject, website, and community with one simple drop of a loop. 

Whilst safety remained a core consideration, focus group-led research conducted mid-project, retuned the direction of the narrative. The results identified that what was most important to the consumer – was the platform’s unique user experience and the functionality that allows conversations to be sparked anywhere on the web. This meant that the safety element, whilst still an important value, was no longer the lead message. Developing a more pared back and simplistic narrative that aligned with the research, was vital to creating a brand that would be engaging, exciting, accessible and understood by all – giving users a clear reason to switch from existing platforms, or add Chatloop into their bank of daily, life-enhancing social apps. 

Further messaging was also developed focusing on the platform’s functional benefits and experience, for use across multiple content types, including advertising, social, web and video scripts, and cutting across a range of themes such as shopping, sport and politics.

The Outcome

With the ongoing evolvement of both the technical and functional aspects of the platform, the client made the decision to move the final stages of the branding work in-house to further develop certain aspects of the brand. Although the original vision for the platform has evolved, we remain proud of the brand work we created and its impact on Chatloop’s successful funding rounds, recently gaining an amazing £1 million in investment, and will watch this space with a keen interest! 

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