The Brief

Integrate, the brainchild of entrepreneur Simon Gibson, was founded to disrupt the legal sector. A practicing lawyer for many years, the concept was borne out of Simon’s own experiences working in the legal sector; getting things right, and occasionally wrong, but always learning valuable lessons along the way. The tech platform provides curated learning, resources, and the signposting of services and products based on experience and credibility. The result of Integrate’s legal sector knowledge, combined with their technology expertise, is a robust holistic software infrastructure that propels clients to the forefront of legal software and keeps them there – however fast it evolves.

We were commissioned to brand the ambitious disruptor brand, whose key mission is to eradicate the frustrations of slow tech integrations and error-prone programs that lead to high-costs and heavy resources. The visual and verbal brand identity needed to promote the platform in order to allow legal firms and professionals to unlock new capabilities and boost their client satisfaction with better communication, increased productivity and efficiency. The Integrate brand needed to reflect the dynamic, progressive and transformative nature of the tech business, albeit within the context of the legal space.

Our Response

There was a genuine need to build trust and confidence in a sector that has been cautious to embrace technology and is considered to be, in the main, conservative. We wanted to draw visual attention to the platform dynamic, a virtual ecosystem in which legal teams can learn, are able to access high quality services and products, and collaborate in a safe and secure environment. Integrate allows frictionless access to an environment that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of legal professionals, it needed to be user-friendly and designed to benefit law firms around the globe.

From a future-proofing perspective, it was important to create a brand capable of representing ‘where we are now’, but that is capable of evolving to meet Integrate’s highly ambitious ‘ future vision’ – embrace and leverage metaverse technology to provide a ‘virtual legal environment’, eliminating international boundaries and time zones to help address the emerging crisis the legal profession is facing, globally.

The Device

The brand device depicts two graphic elements that fuse together perfectly. The visual metaphor represents the seamless integration of cutting-edge technology with professional expertise in order to create bespoke solutions. The colour palette consists of bold, strong colours that are synonymous with the technology sector, whilst the library of icons is comprehensive and reflects the cutting-edge nature of a tech firm. The identity also complements a number of sub-brands we developed for several software products that Integrate have developed.

Utilising a graphic language

The Integrate device is a highly versatile and flexible element within the brand toolkit, one that can be deconstructed and utilised for different purposes. This visual language enables our designers to introduce scale, pattern and interest into a diverse range of communications. The shapes can be used to add energy to designs and layouts, adding a pleasing dynamic to the overall visual appearance.

The Outcome

We created a brand more closely aligned with technology, as opposed to law – which is often a perceived as a traditional and rather uninspiring sector. We regarded embracing and leveraging technological innovation as an authentic point of difference – as the majority of tech providers focused on the legal sector, do so recognising it’s a lucrative entity.

Whereas Integrate’s approach is to take audiences on a learning journey, providing professionals with access to products and services that have value and they are able to trust. The primary aim is to combine cutting-edge legal technology with sector expertise for the greater benefit of the legal sector. The identity and brand narrative that we developed clearly positioned Integrate as a progressive, forward-thinking entity, who are genuinely looking to disrupt.

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