The Background

EnergiMine is an established business offering energy management to companies all over the globe. Its inspirational founder has a vision to decentralise the $2 trillion global electricity market. To do so, he has raised $15million of initial funding, to start to make his vision a reality. The EnergiMine business model is to create a global eco-system, whereby consumers of energy are rewarded with ETK tokens to encourage energy-saving behaviour.

The Brief

Rationalise and create a brand to accurately represent (reflect) a cutting-edge, highly innovative business, whose main objective is to disrupt global energy markets, and as a result, deliver beneficial environmental outcomes. The world of energy procurement has long been under scrutiny; EnergiMine are committed to making the world of energy more open, fair and transparent. They are also clear about how they are going to make it happen. Our task was to ensure this vision for the new energy age was recognised and clearly communicated through an extensive brand refresh.

Our Response

As well as create a strong visual identity, featuring black and white photography and restricted colour palette, we developed a strong symbol: one which takes it’s inspiration from the Greek ‘sigma’ symbol (in mathematics, summation is the addition of a sequence of numbers; the result is their sum or total – which we considered an appropriate form of analogy for the blockchain ecosystem). It’s also serendipity the capital letters ‘e’ and ‘m’ follow the same form as the sigma symbol. We were also required to extend the visual identity to encompass a number of sub-brands: EnergiToken, EnergiCore and EnergiChain. All were assigned appropriate straplines.

The rebrand included the development of a brand purpose: ‘to make a positive impact on the planet’ and a brand promise of: ‘a world of energy’. The brand personality was defined as: ‘Innovative, daring, quick-thinking, adaptable, competitive, dynamic and pioneering’. A set of brand values was also created: ‘Dare to disrupt. Constantly innovate. Be quick to adapt. Always, high performance. Be open and transparent. Achieve global change.’

Formation of six brand pillars

Challenge. Connect. Advance. Decentralise. Conserve. Reward.

As the technology and processes utilised by EnergiMine are complex, we gained a comprehensive understanding to enable us to effectively communicate how, by using innovation, they created a whole new paradigm for energy procurement. Cutting-edge AI technology allows EnergiMine to manage data and process consumption data in new ways, to capture, view and analyse energy data. Algorithms are then used to advise ‘when and how’ to use energy in a smarter way.


Working in collaboration with the talented people at NiceandCo Agency, our mission was to prototype, design and develop an immersive and innovative digital experience. One that disrupts through technology and content, and reflects EnergiMine’s core values. We started with a well-built user flow and site structure that was rigorously tested as we progressed, allowing us to design and develop the site side by side.

We created working prototypes for both desktop and mobile, which allowed us to make faster design decisions. This confirmed and strengthened our user flow and site structure, providing the necessary time to focus on the global experience of EnergiMine.

Design & Admin System

We created a fluid design/HTML styling system, that allowed us to make the design and its content more consistent across the global website and its 2 core brands (EnergiMine & EnergiCore). We created ‘card’ block assets; each page is built up from a set of content-driven cards. This provides an agile and future-proof website that can continually evolve visually and be maintained consistently, via a unique backend admin system.

Implementing the new brand

Once the brand was finalised, we were required to implement across a range of media, demonstrating consistency across numerous channels and in print.

“It has been a pleasure working with the Glorious Creative team on the relaunch of our brand. Their skilled and meticulous approach was a refreshing experience, positioning the brand to reflect its global ambitions, disrupting and decentralising global energy markets. The project has been delivered with upmost professionalism, care and attention. We are very pleased with the end results, both from a functional and visual perspective – the website reflects the brand perfectly. Feedback to date has been extremely positive. Thank you!”

Jennifer Xhufi Marketing Manager

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