Better late than never, our selection for March is…

Wall and Piece – Banksy
Chosen by Jordan Abbott (words by Christopher Ball)

“Often imitated but never equalled, Banksy’s ‘Wall and Piece’ provides a beautifully presented showcase of the enigmatical artists work. Political activist, film director, painter and most famously graffiti artist, the man believed to be Robin Genningham (although still not definitively proven) provides a subversive political and social commentary of modern day Britain. To convey this using anarchist rats (a personal highlight) and sinister chimps is no mean feat. There is deep significance in all of Banksy’s work and the bottom line is all of it is ridiculously cool. His simplicity and effectiveness in creatively conveying his message is something that we can all take inspiration from in our industry.

Despite numerous legal wranglings over who owns pieces of his work, there can be no doubt that Banksy has shaken the establishment and for the first time the essentially bourgeois world of art has belonged to the people. No matter which side of the fence you sit on when it comes to Banksy, his effectiveness at opening the art world to new audiences can only be celebrated.”


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