Spin 360º – Tony Brook et al.
Chosen by Mark Adamson

“A book that has been sitting next to me since its purchase back in June is ‘Spin: 360º’. I simply cannot bring myself to find a place for it on the bookshelf, which incidentally would mean removing a few books due to its size.

At 520 pages the book is a tome. It details the highs and lows of ‘Spin’ and its studio members across 20 years of design history with testaments from colleagues, friends and fellow designers.

In some ways what I love about this book is that it brings Spin back on the same level as everyone else. They are just like us – they started in the same scenarios and they are simply doing their job, albeit very very well. You can’t help being in awe. I must admit I’m still discovering design nuggets that I didn’t notice upon the first read. Little snippets of personal details from Tony or reading about a quirky moment from one of their favourite jobs, adds to the honest approach of the book where everything is laid out for the world to see. A refreshing approach when so many other design books throw images at you left, right and centre. Tony (and co.) chose to display the studio’s work at the biggest size possible because what’s the use of displaying a tiny thumbnail? A priority so strong the book was redesigned again just to make the work bigger, another level of detail that shows the love designers have for their work, their passion!

A design book about a design agency, designed for designers? Definitely. Whether you are starting out in the design world of work, or are a well versed professional, you cannot go wrong having this book next to you to dip in and out of. Maybe I should leave it sitting next to me after all.”












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