The Brief

Having built a consultancy grounded in a 17 year strong experience of construction project management with in the retail sector, and propelled with a digital-first mindset, Future Projects came to Glorious wanting to rebrand the business, launching their unique marriage of skill sets into new markets at a time when the retail consumer experience had dramatically changed, fusing both on and offline experiences, as well as incorporating leisure, workspace and even residential within or alongside a retail build remit.

The rebrand required a new brand identity, website, messaging and marketing strategy, including animation, social and collateral, to launch the new brand online.

Our Response

For any branding project we at Glorious Creative take the time to understand the values of the business and the core characteristics of the marketplace they compete within. After conducting a brand workshop with the client, extensive research into both retail, and the new proposed markets – leisure, workspace and residential, and reviewing their direct competitors, it was clear that Future Project’s USP was their unique experience in managing the end-to-end project management process, with the end user and commercial outcomes for their clients, at the heart of every project.

Their drive to bring to life engaging and innovative spaces that reached far beyond the scope of retail alone, needed to be reflected in their rebrand. Narrowing in from five different directions presented to the client, our goal was to create a brand for Future Projects that truly represented their tenacious and digital-first approach, towards developments that incorporate the desire for multifaceted lifestyle spaces, cutting across a range of real estate markets and human experiences.

Brand Proposition

The brand proposition was inspired by Future Project’s human-centric approach to space design and management. We discovered that the end user has always been at the heart of Futures Project’s work, where they are considered not as an after-thought, but the starting point for any project.

Couple this with their human approach to project mapping and problem solving for their clients, we wanted to make clear that this experience gave weight to their credibility in this transition from retail-centred to consumer-centred experience. It was important to showcase their mission of giving complete confidence to their clients that their projects are cared for in their entirety, allowing them to focus their energy on other commercial endeavours.

As a future-facing business, built on experience but propelled into the future of property through their innovative use of tech, it was crucial the rebrand also reflected these values.

So, we were able to reposition Future Projects as a challenger brand, moving away from the building-centred creative typically seen in property and real estate brands, to something softer, more engaging and focused instead around the humans that inhabit them. We shifted the creative focus from what they are building, to who they are building it for.

Ultimately, their mission Is in Creating Amazing Spaces for their clients and their customers, and this was the brand proposition upon which we hinged the rebrand.

Brand Identity

We identified that Futures Project’s approach was centred around controlling defined periods of time that need to be cared for and managed efficiently. With each project and project task, there is a clear start and end point, and it was from here we were able to develop a visual identity based around the concepts of space and time. At the centre of this was the logo that incapsulates symbols that demonstrate Future Project’s mission to look after a project from “start to finish”, whilst many of its competitors deal only with managing elements of a development or scheme. This was then finally represented through a strong, graphic play and stop symbol.

To echo the human meets tech foundationsGlorious redesigned their brand with a bold new colour palette and a conversational but confident tone of voice, which was consistently represented through messaging across all customer touch points.

The expanded colour palette featured complimentary block colours and line illustrations representing each of the new market areas; but again, focusing on the humans at the heart of the brand, in-situ in a multitude of retail, resi, leisure and workspace scenarios. Whilst each stands alone, they complement one another, in the same way that spaces are now brought together harmoniously – with retail spaces offering leisure and workspace facilities-and vice versa with residential offering retail and leisure. The new brand and messaging is focussed around spaces rather than buildings, defined by amenities that support new overlapping ways of living and working.

To balance the bold logo and softer illustrations, a matrix pattern element was included to represent the client’s focus on design and architecture tech, like 3D modelling and digital twinning programmes, which filtered through into a streamlined new WordPress site, developed by blah.

Animations by our partner agency DoodleDo motion, bring to life the human elements, via a powerful explainer video which tells the story of the client’s unique mindset and approach to project management, bringing moving image to the centre stage of their online launch, supported by organic and paid social advertising, email, lead generation activity and a suite of branded marketing collateral.

The Outcome

Glorious have created a challenger construction brand, that appeals to the emotions, expressing the human experience as the core characteristic of real estate project management, complimented by a digital-first approach.

“Working with Glorious has been great and far exceeded my expectations, but the stand-out for me was their commitment to get it right. We got the kind of commitment that would only be expected from our own staff, Tom and the team were totally committed to our vision and it showed in the end results.”

“Our approach is to partner with our consultants for the long-term and Glorious will be part of our future. The input and craft that the Glorious team brought to our re-branding was exceptional and went beyond the original brief, giving us a brand image that represents our core values and vision.”

Paul Tattum Founder and Managing Director

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Master Brand Workshops: The Ultimate Guide for Senior Managers

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