If you’d studied 207 companies worldwide, in 22 industries over an eleven year period, we’re pretty sure you’d take notice of the findings. Yet in spite of the fact that John Kotter and Jim Heskett did exactly that, on the subject of the benefits of having a brand vision, companies continue to go blithely on without one. It wouldn’t be quite so bad if the differences between the have’s and have not’s weren’t quite so staggering. The increase in revenue is four times greater with vision than without, the growth in net income is eight times bigger with vision than without and the increase in share price is twelve times greater with vision than without. So how does this remarkable difference come about? Vision does something special for leaders; it gives them charisma that they didn’t have before. They find it easier to take on good people and to keep them. Staff are more loyal and more productive. The brand vision they set out captures the imagination of their people. The clearer the vision, and the greater the commitment to it, the greater the persistence in overcoming the setbacks in the pursuit of the vision. The bottom line is that there’s no investment needed to create a brand vision, but on the basis of the eleven year study it will create eight times more net income.

Understand Brand Your Vision

We’ve developed a free DIY Brand Workshop Pack to help you understand your brand and consider all the elements required to build a successful brand. Download the pack here and speak to our team to discuss any aspects of your brand.


Master Brand Workshops: The Ultimate Guide for Senior Managers

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