It’s a question always lurking in the back of every Marketing Director’s mind as they view the work created by their agency. The painstaking analysis and strategic work completed it’s now the age-old question of whether to play safe, or be brave and possibly end up looking stupid. That’s why when we come across creative work that unquestionably, undeniably, unequivocally worked we feel a certain duty to share it with the world. Last time is was Honda diesel engines, this time it’s a real humdinger!

The product in question is Snickers an 80 year-old, billion-dollar brand. The problem was that from 2007 to 2009 Snickers lost ground to other global chocolate bars. If the trend continued it would also lose its position as the world’s number one chocolate bar. Something needed to be done. As there was a male tone defining the brand’s past the agency, AMV BBDO, couldn’t abandon the brand’s male orientation. But they needed to find a new insight that would connect with the total market. Research revealed there’s a universal code of conduct by which men stay part of the male pack. The agency found a brilliant way to link this insight into male bonding behaviour. They then translated the thinking into a universal human truth; when you’re hungry, you’re just not yourself. And when you’re not yourself it affects your ability to remain part of the pack. With a little bit of tweaking the killer line emerged; “you’re not you when you’re hungry”. The impact of the TV ads, and some inspired associated activity, helped Snickers to grow at 15.9% and sales to increase by $376m, during the two-year period 2010 to 2012. The campaign also protected its coveted status as the world’s foremost chocolate bar.
Video: Snickers – Mr Bean

Video: Snickers – Joan Collins


Other blog posts in the series:
Cadbury – Gorilla
Honda – Hate Something Change Something

Master Brand Workshops: The Ultimate Guide for Senior Managers

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