Overthrow – 10 Ways to Tell a Challenger Story – PHD & eatbigfish
Chosen by Jeff Edis

Our second ever blog, back in the mists of time of July 2014, asked whether David, Biblical hero and slayer of Goliath, was the first ever challenger brand. This time we’re asking a different question. If you’re a challenger brand, what type of challenger are you?

Because it may come as a surprise to some, that there isn’t one type, there are ten. Who says so? Adam Morgan creator of the concept and the person who coined the phrase ‘challenger brand’ in the first place. How has he arrived at this conclusion? By analysing a decade’s worth of challenger brand case studies and differentiating each from the other. What’s beyond doubt, is that having a clear idea of whether you’re the people’s champion, the missionary, the democratiser, the enlightened zagger, the feisty underdog, or any of the other five types of challenger brand, can make a huge difference to your brand. You’ll find the full story and a new, improved perspective on how your brand should behave, in Overthrow, Ten Ways To Tell A Challenger Story.

Further reading & to purchase: challengertype.com

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