Every month we feature a book we hope will interest, fascinate and inspire our readers.

There have been some notable and fairly unusual volumes featured. Last month we had the story of how two intrepid adventurers walked for eight days along the Kumano Kodo, a thousand-year old pilgrimage route in Wakayama prefecture, Japan. Staying with the Japanese theme, May 2016 saw us featuring a rare and obscure dictionary of colour combinations by Sanzo Wada. The original 6-volume work Haishoku Soukan (translated as ‘the complete collection of colour combinations’) on which the book was based, was published from 1933 to 1934. A fascinating and instructive read for anyone involved in the world of design. Then there was the rare and obscure Valgyklu Gidas, a documentation and celebration of Lithuanian canteens under the Soviet Union Communist Party Programme.

Discover our other outstanding, not to say outlandish ‘books of the month’ here.

This month we have decided to indulge ourselves and feature a book we have designed, written and produced for our client Janine Stone & Co. Said client operates in the rarefied atmosphere of high-end bespoke interior design, architecture and construction. We were briefed to produce a book that did far more than simply featuring their impressive, imaginative and at times exotic projects. The object of the exercise was to exemplify their raison d’etre of producing work that is ‘exceptional without exception’. Our concept was to show visual metaphors from the worlds of nature and human exploration, dedication and ingenuity, alongside examples of their distinctive and iconic projects. Given that Janine Stone & Co. are used to working to the most exacting standards, their enthusiastic response to the finished article gave us as much pleasure as producing the book itself.


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