Pretty Much Everything — Aaron James Draplin (Draplin Design Co.)
Chosen by Mark Adamson

A couple years ago I saw Aaron Draplin from Detroit, USA, speak to a small crowd at a small event in a small hotel conference room in Aberdeen, Scotland. But he happily filled it with his HUGE personality, wit and charm. This side of the ‘pond’ we haven’t heard much about Aaron Draplin but we really should have (he’s a pretty big deal)! You might have seen or even owned a few of the ‘Field Notes’ branded books Aaron made, that’s when I first discovered his work – clean, bold and classically American.

In Aaron’s first foray into books, he tell us “Pretty Much Everything” from his birth to the present day and making of the book. His life, loves, deaths, highs and lows all tightly packed into one 256 page book. His infamous lists (he lists pretty much everything), his gigs, twitter posts, merchandise, road trips, notebooks, posters, logos, records, collected ‘junk’ – everything. All “Designed, edited, sweated-over, scanned-in, tuned-up, tuned a full step down, schemed-up, paginated, fretted over, backed up, kerned, dug out of dark corners, color-corrected and lived by Aaron James Draplin, Draplin Design Co.”.

But what is most fascinating, is that he’s still going. Still driving on to create, collect and share.












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